DLL Pre and Post Conference Opportunities

There are several pre & post conference opportunities that will be available for both members and non-members.

Pre-conference: Dive into Deep Learning Tools for Engagement
Sunday, November 10, 9am-3pm
This full day overview provides a powerful introduction and preparation for the Deep Learning Lab. The session will foster the development of a deep learning lens and some know-how that is crucial to becoming a problem solving change agent in our global society. Participants will be introduced to the framework and tools that allow educators to analyze student work and measure progress. Templates, planning guides, and tips from the Global Team will also be shared. The newly released, Dive Into Deep Learning: Tools for Engagement will be provided.

  • Cost for NPDL members: $250 USD
  • Cost for non NPDL members: $350USD

Post-conference 1: Deep Learning Expo
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10am-12pm.
In this informal, interactive session, school teams will share their journey into deep learning. This is a powerful opportunity to see what’s happening on the ground in schools and classrooms around the world and engage in discussions about the “how” of deep learning.

There is no additional charge for this session but registration is required. Space is limited.

SOLD OUT: Post-conference 2: Dive into School Conditions
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 9am-3pm
This full day collaborative inquiry session is adapted from our NPDL Deep Dive strategy. The leadership team of a Toronto School will take us on a school tour and share their strategic thinking and reflections, using the School Conditions Rubric as a common reference tool. In the afternoon, NPDL members will learn how to facilitate a Deep Dive in their own schools and districts. Space is limited; participants are asked to attend the full day. This program is available to NPDL members only.

  • Cost for NPDL Members: $100 USD